
179 lines
4.7 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import importlib.resources
import json
from enum import Enum
from os import listdir as ls
from subprocess import run as execute
from subprocess import PIPE
from sys import argv
from VoidServiceControl.env import *
class Help(Exception):
def __str__(self) -> str:
Returns the program usage help
:return: Program usage help
return lang.messages["help"]
def Su() -> None:
Checks if the user has administrator rights
user = execute('whoami', shell=True, text=True, stdout=PIPE).stdout[:-1]
if user != 'root':
raise PermissionError(lang.errors["su"])
# Types of service actions
class Action(Enum):
ENABLE = ["enable", "e", "on", "up"]
DISABLE = ["disable", "d", "off", "down"]
# Types of run arguments
class Arg(Enum):
HELP = ["--help", "-h", "help"]
def all(cls) -> list[str]:
Returns all types of run arguments
:return: All types of run arguments list
return cls.HELP.value + cls.__action()
def __action(cls) -> list[str]:
Returns all types of service actions
:return: All types of service actions list
actions = list(map(lambda action: action.value, Action))
out = []
for lst in actions:
return out
class Args(object):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.__arguments = argv[1:]
def __check(self) -> None:
Checks the arguments
if len(self.__arguments) == 0:
raise TypeError(lang.errors["usage"])
if len(self.__arguments) != 2 and self.__arguments[0] not in Arg.HELP.value:
raise TypeError(lang.errors["usage"])
if self.__arguments[0] in Arg.HELP.value:
raise Help()
if self.__arguments[0] not in Arg.all():
raise TypeError(lang.errors["args"])
def __action(self) -> Action:
Returns the action to the service
:return: Service action
actions = list(Action)
for action in actions:
if self.__arguments[0] in action.value:
return action
def __iter__(self):
yield self.__action()
yield self.__arguments[1]
class Service(object):
__enabled = False
def __init__(self, name: str) -> None:
self.__name = name
def __check(self) -> None:
Checks if the service exists and is enabled
all_services = ls(SV_PATH)
enabled_services = ls(ENABLED_PATH)
if self.__name not in all_services:
raise ValueError(lang.errors["ne"].format(self.getname()))
if self.__name in enabled_services:
self.__enabled = True
def getname(self) -> str:
Returns the service name
:return: Service name
return self.__name
def enable(self) -> None:
Enable the service
if self.__enabled:
raise ValueError(lang.errors["enabled"].format(self.getname()))
execute(f'ln -s {SV_PATH}/{self.__name} {ENABLED_PATH}/', shell=True)
def disable(self):
Disable the service
if not self.__enabled:
raise ValueError(lang.errors["disabled"].format(self.getname()))
execute(f'rm {ENABLED_PATH}/{self.__name}', shell=True)
class Interface(object):
def __init__(self, service: str) -> None:
self.service = Service(service)
def action(self, action: Action) -> None:
Performs an action on the service
:param action: Action on the service
match action:
case Action.ENABLE:
case Action.DISABLE:
class Translate(object):
def __init__(self, language: str):
:param language: Language (ex. en_US)
self.lang = language
self.errors = self.__translation["errors"]
self.messages = self.__translation["messages"]
def __translation(self):
with importlib.resources.open_text(__package__, f"{self.lang}.json", "utf-8") as json_file:
return json.loads(json_file.read())
except FileNotFoundError:
with importlib.resources.open_text(__package__, f"en_US.json", "utf-8") as json_file:
return json.loads(json_file.read())
lang = Translate(LANG)