# Me NeoVim Configuration ## Available on: [![](https://cloud.orudo.ru/apps/files_sharing/publicpreview/RpcoJB8FwgNmqHC?file=/&fileId=48757&x=1920&y=1200&a=true&etag=10effec96382ba8b9fc181a5c1c85012)](https://git.orudo.ru/trueold89/neovim) [![](https://cloud.orudo.ru/s/wcZ6oAGHyAwBgGw/download/GL.png)](https://gitlab.com/Trueold89/nvim) [![](https://cloud.orudo.ru/s/D8xtkTS8ZBCq8fC/download/GH.png)](https://github.com/trueold89/nvim) ## 🖼️ Screenshot: ![](https://i.imgur.com/SzrTeYc.png) *** ## 📥 Install: **Install dependencies:** | **Dependency** | **Function** | | --- | --- | | git | Required to run some plugins and install this configuration | | yarn | Necessary for previewing MarkDown files in the browser | **Make a backup of your current nvim folder:** ```bash mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak mv ~/.local/share/nvim ~/.local/share/nvim.bak mv ~/.local/state/nvim ~/.local/state/nvim.bak ``` **Clone the repository and run NeoVim:** ```bash git clone --depth 1 https://git.orudo.ru/trueold89/neovim.git ~/.config/nvim && nvim ``` ### ⛴️ Use with docker: ```bash docker run --name='nvim' --rm -v ./:/mnt -it git.orudo.ru/trueold89/nvim:latest ``` *** ### ℹ️ Plugins: --- | Plugin | Function | | ------ | -------- | | **Lazy.nvim** | Plugin-manager | | **NeoTree** | File Explorer | | **EverForest** | Theme | | **Telescope** | UI enhancement | | **MarkDown** Preview | Preview .md files in browser | | **LuaLine** | UI enhancement | | **Mason \| LSP-Config** | LSP | | **GitSigns** | git integration | | **cmp-nvim-lsp \| LuaSnip \| nvim-cmp** | Auto-compl. | | **Vim Commentary** | Fast comments | | **VimCSS \| Colorizer** | Preview css colors | | **AutoPairs** | Auto-pairs |