# MCaio Asynс lib to get information about Minecraft Java server using **[SLP](https://wiki.vg/Server_List_Ping)** Project uses code from **[clarence112](https://gist.github.com/clarence112/9a3e971283d7f4052a0c33f11de9b7c5)** ## Install: **From Gitea** ```bash pip install --extra-index-url https://git.orudo.ru/api/packages/trueold89/pypi/simple/ mcaio ``` **From PyPi** ```bash pip install mcaio ``` ## Build: **Deps:** python3 **Clone repo:** ```bash git clone https://git.orudo.ru/trueold89/mcaio --depth=1 && cd mcaio ``` **Create venv:** ```bash python -m venv venv && . venv/bin/activate ``` **Install SetupTools**: ```bash pip install setuptools ``` **Build:** ``` python3 setup.py sdist ``` ## Usage: ### As lib: **Import MCServer class:**: ```python from mcaio.client import AIOMCServer as AIOMC ``` **Create object:** ```python mc = AIOMC("localhost", 25565) ``` **Await property:** ```python name = await mc.name print(name) # Paper 1.20.4 ``` **Properties:** | Property | Description | | -------- | ----------- | | name | Server name | | motd | Server motd | | players_count | Current number of players on the server | | maxplayers | Max number of players on the server | ### As cli: ```bash MC_HOST=localhost MC_PORT=25565 mcaio name # Paper 1.20.4 ``` **Args:** | Arg | Description | | -------- | ----------- | | name | Server name | | motd | Server motd | | pcount | Current number of players on the server | | pmax | Max number of players on the server |