function __z -d "Jump to a recent directory." function __print_help -d "Print z help." printf "Usage: $Z_CMD [-celrth] string1 string2...\n\n" printf " -c --clean Removes directories that no longer exist from $Z_DATA\n" printf " -d --dir Opens matching directory using system file manager.\n" printf " -e --echo Prints best match, no cd\n" printf " -l --list List matches and scores, no cd\n" printf " -p --purge Delete all entries from $Z_DATA\n" printf " -r --rank Search by rank\n" printf " -t --recent Search by recency\n" printf " -x --delete Removes the current directory from $Z_DATA\n" printf " -h --help Print this help\n\n" end function __z_legacy_escape_regex # taken from escape_string_pcre2 in fish # used to provide compatibility with fish 2 for c in (string split '' $argv) if contains $c (string split '' '.^$*+()?[{}\\|-]') printf \\ end printf '%s' $c end end set -l options h/help c/clean e/echo l/list p/purge r/rank t/recent d/directory x/delete argparse $options -- $argv if set -q _flag_help __print_help return 0 else if set -q _flag_clean __z_clean printf "%s cleaned!\n" $Z_DATA return 0 else if set -q _flag_purge echo >$Z_DATA printf "%s purged!\n" $Z_DATA return 0 else if set -q _flag_delete sed -i -e "\:^$PWD|.*:d" $Z_DATA return 0 end set -l typ if set -q _flag_rank set typ rank else if set -q _flag_recent set typ recent end set -l z_script ' function frecent(rank, time) { dx = t-time if( dx < 3600 ) return rank*4 if( dx < 86400 ) return rank*2 if( dx < 604800 ) return rank/2 return rank/4 } function output(matches, best_match, common) { # list or return the desired directory if( list ) { cmd = "sort -nr" for( x in matches ) { if( matches[x] ) { printf "%-10s %s\n", matches[x], x | cmd } } } else { if( common ) best_match = common print best_match } } function common(matches) { # find the common root of a list of matches, if it exists for( x in matches ) { if( matches[x] && (!short || length(x) < length(short)) ) { short = x } } if( short == "/" ) return for( x in matches ) if( matches[x] && index(x, short) != 1 ) { return } return short } BEGIN { hi_rank = ihi_rank = -9999999999 } { if( typ == "rank" ) { rank = $2 } else if( typ == "recent" ) { rank = $3 - t } else rank = frecent($2, $3) if( $1 ~ q ) { matches[$1] = rank } else if( tolower($1) ~ tolower(q) ) imatches[$1] = rank if( matches[$1] && matches[$1] > hi_rank ) { best_match = $1 hi_rank = matches[$1] } else if( imatches[$1] && imatches[$1] > ihi_rank ) { ibest_match = $1 ihi_rank = imatches[$1] } } END { # prefer case sensitive if( best_match ) { output(matches, best_match, common(matches)) } else if( ibest_match ) { output(imatches, ibest_match, common(imatches)) } } ' set -l qs for arg in $argv set -l escaped $arg if string escape --style=regex '' >/dev/null 2>&1 # use builtin escape if available set escaped (string escape --style=regex $escaped) else set escaped (__z_legacy_escape_regex $escaped) end # Need to escape twice, see set escaped (string replace --all \\ \\\\ $escaped) set qs $qs $escaped end set -l q (string join '.*' $qs) if set -q _flag_list # Handle list separately as it can print common path information to stderr # which cannot be captured from a subcommand. command awk -v t=(date +%s) -v list="list" -v typ="$typ" -v q="$q" -F "|" $z_script "$Z_DATA" return end set target (command awk -v t=(date +%s) -v typ="$typ" -v q="$q" -F "|" $z_script "$Z_DATA") if test "$status" -gt 0 return end if test -z "$target" printf "'%s' did not match any results\n" "$argv" return 1 end if set -q _flag_echo printf "%s\n" "$target" else if set -q _flag_directory if test -n "$ZO_METHOD" type -q "$ZO_METHOD"; and "$ZO_METHOD" "$target"; and return $status echo "Cannot open with ZO_METHOD set to $ZO_METHOD"; and return 1 else if test "$OS" = Windows_NT # Be careful, in msys2, explorer always return 1 type -q explorer; and explorer "$target" return 0 echo "Cannot open file explorer" return 1 else type -q xdg-open; and xdg-open "$target"; and return $status type -q open; and open "$target"; and return $status echo "Not sure how to open file manager"; and return 1 end else pushd "$target" end end