function __fzf_complete_preview -d 'generate preview for completion widget. argv[1] is the currently selected candidate in fzf argv[2] is a string containing the rest of the output produced by `complete -Ccmd` ' if test "$argv[2]" = "Redefine variable" # show environment variables current value set -l evar (echo $argv[1] | cut -d= -f1) echo $argv[1]$$evar else echo $argv[1] end set -l path (string replace "~" $HOME -- $argv[1]) # list directories on preview if test -d "$path" eval $FZF_PREVIEW_DIR_CMD (string escape $path) end # show ten lines of non-binary files preview if test -f "$path"; and grep -qI . "$path" eval $FZF_PREVIEW_FILE_CMD (string escape $path) end # if fish knows about it, let it show info type -q "$path" 2>/dev/null; and type -a "$path" # show aditional data echo $argv[2] end