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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# CacheDB implementations #
# Imports
from tubot.db.abc import CacheDB
from tubot.db.types import CacheDBTypes, UserStates, User
from tubot.static.env import PN_CACHE
from pickle import loads, dumps
from aiofiles.ospath import isdir, isfile
from aiofiles.os import mkdir
from aiofiles import open
from asyncio import sleep
from redis import asyncio as aioredis
from json import loads as json_loads
from json import dumps as json_dumps
class PythonCache(CacheDB):
Native python implementation of Cache DataBase
_ctype = CacheDBTypes.PythonPKL
users: dict
dirs: dict
def __init__(self) -> None:
async def _init(self) -> bool:
self.users = {}
self.dirs = {}
if await isfile(f"{self.CACHE_DIR}/user_cache.pkl"):
await self._load_pkl()
except Exception:
return False
return True
async def _load_pkl(self) -> None:
if not await isdir(self.CACHE_DIR):
await mkdir(self.CACHE_DIR)
async with open(f"{self.CACHE_DIR}/user_cache.pkl", "rb") as file:
buffer = await file.read()
pkl = loads(buffer)
self.users = pkl
async def _save_pkl(self) -> None:
if not await isdir(self.CACHE_DIR):
await mkdir(self.CACHE_DIR)
async with open(f"{self.CACHE_DIR}/user_cache.pkl", "wb") as file:
await file.write(dumps(self.users))
async def __validate__(self) -> bool:
return await self._init()
# Users
async def add_user(self, tg_id: int, name: str) -> None:
if tg_id in tuple(self.users.keys()):
raise ValueError("User already exists")
user = User(tg_id, name)
self.users[tg_id] = user.dict
await self._save_pkl()
async def user_state(self, tg_id: int) -> UserStates:
if tg_id not in tuple(self.users.keys()):
raise ValueError("User doesn't exists")
user = self.users[tg_id]
return user["state"]
async def change_user_state(self, tg_id: int, status: UserStates) -> None:
if tg_id not in tuple(self.users.keys()):
raise ValueError("User doesn't exists")
user = self.users[tg_id]
user["state"] = status
await self._save_pkl()
async def auth_user(self, tg_id: int) -> None:
if tg_id not in tuple(self.users.keys()):
raise ValueError("User doesn't exists")
user = self.users[tg_id]
user["auth"] = True
await self._save_pkl()
async def is_user_auth(self, tg_id: int) -> bool:
if tg_id not in tuple(self.users.keys()):
raise ValueError("User doesn't exists")
user = self.users[tg_id]
return user["auth"]
# Dirs
async def cache_dirs(self, dirs: dict, expire: int) -> None:
self.dirs = dirs
await sleep(expire)
self.dirs = {}
async def get_dirs(self) -> dict:
return self.dirs
class RedisCache(CacheDB):
Redis implementation of Cache DataBase
_ctype = CacheDBTypes.Redis
host: str
def __init__(self, redis_host: str) -> None:
self.host = redis_host
async def __validate__(self) -> bool:
async with aioredis.from_url(
f"redis://{self.host}", encoding="utf-8", decode_responses=True
) as redis:
return await redis.ping()
# Users
async def add_user(self, tg_id: int, name: str) -> None:
async with aioredis.from_url(
f"redis://{self.host}", encoding="utf-8", decode_responses=True
) as redis:
user = User(tg_id, name)
json = json_dumps(user.dict)
await redis.set(str(tg_id), json)
async def user_state(self, tg_id: int) -> UserStates:
async with aioredis.from_url(
f"redis://{self.host}", encoding="utf-8", decode_responses=True
) as redis:
json = await redis.get(str(tg_id))
user = json_loads(json)
return user["state"]
async def change_user_state(self, tg_id: int, status: UserStates) -> None:
async with aioredis.from_url(
f"redis://{self.host}", encoding="utf-8", decode_responses=True
) as redis:
json = await redis.get(str(tg_id))
user = json_loads(json)
user["state"] = status
json = json_dumps(user)
await redis.set(str(tg_id), json)
async def auth_user(self, tg_id: int) -> None:
async with aioredis.from_url(
f"redis://{self.host}", encoding="utf-8", decode_responses=True
) as redis:
json = await redis.get(str(tg_id))
user = json_loads(json)
user["auth"] = True
json = json_dumps(user)
await redis.set(str(tg_id), json)
async def is_user_auth(self, tg_id: int) -> bool:
async with aioredis.from_url(
f"redis://{self.host}", encoding="utf-8", decode_responses=True
) as redis:
json = await redis.get(str(tg_id))
user = json_loads(json)
return bool(user["auth"])
# Dirs
async def cache_dirs(self, dirs: dict, expire: int) -> None:
async with aioredis.from_url(
f"redis://{self.host}", encoding="utf-8", decode_responses=True
) as redis:
json = json_dumps(dirs)
await redis.set("dirs", json, ex=expire)
async def get_dirs(self) -> dict:
async with aioredis.from_url(
f"redis://{self.host}", encoding="utf-8", decode_responses=True
) as redis:
resp = await redis.get("dirs")
if resp is None:
return {}
return json_loads(resp)